Dragonframe 4
Dragonframe 4

  • Support for Android and iOS devices over WiFi via DF Tether 2.0.
  • Reference movie player can go full screen.
  • Drawing tool increment editor ticks can now show during animation or playback.
  • Added ‘Past Takes’ reference layer to make it easier to refer to previous takes.
  • dragonframe 4

    Added keypad focus control in animation workspace.Added a time estimate for long shoot multiple and move tests.Support Monogram Creative Console (Palette Gear) for various tasks.Support for fractional display scaling on Windows and Linux (125%, 150%, etc).“Making-of” capture integrated into the animation process.Separate Drawing Layers and References for each magnification view or alternative video assist.Multiple camera support (up to four) – for additional hi-res capture or video assist.X-Sheet: Added multiple options to drawing tools.X-Sheet: Option to pop out into separate window.Use x264 mp4 output for better results, and consistent support across all platforms.Added NDI video output, which can be used in Unreal Engine.Audio: Restore track order when loading scene.DMX: Added gel chooser for ARRI fixtures with gel lists.DMX: Improved UI performance with many channels.DMX: Supports up to four DMX ‘universes’ of 512 channels each.Arc: Output OSC both real and virtual motor positions.Arc: Determine if move can be accomplished by virtual rig.Arc: Option to automatically start/stop movie recording with real-time playback.

    dragonframe 4 dragonframe 4

  • Arc: Real-time looping and ping-pong playback.
  • Arc: Move test / real-time playback for indexed positions.
  • Ani: Sharper hi-res proxies for playback.
  • Ani: Hot key to toggle bash light in Animation workspace.
  • Ani: Option to pin media players, so they stay up when switching exposures.
  • Ani: Added hardware acceleration on macOS and Windows for media layer playback.
  • Added support for SIGMA fp and fp L cameras.

  • Dragonframe 4